
The Great Lakes Union for Inclusive Development (GUIDE) has commenced a one-year project to strengthen its M&E, Financial Management, and Resource Mobilization capacities.

The project responds to a 2022 institutional capacity needs assessment which revealed GUIDE’s needs in Monitoring and Evaluation, Information Management Systems, Finance Management, and Resource Mobilization. 

Under the project, which is supported by the UN Women Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) and UN Women, GUIDE will:

  • Conduct a 15-day course to train 9 of its staff in M&E and integrated information management systems, financial management, and resource mobilization.
  • Procure computers and a projector to facilitate effective institutional information sharing and learning.
  • Develop and install computer software for use in Information Management, and
  • Produce an internal control toolkit and a resource mobilization manual.

By building the institutional knowledge and resource base, the WPHF funding will enhance GUIDE’s competencies to program around her mission, which is “to support inclusive peace and development processes by reinforcing the capacities of diverse societies to participate in governance and development and to address conflicts in non-violent ways”.

Speaking at the closure of the GUIDE training in Monitoring and Evaluation, GUIDE’s Board Chairperson Karungi Hawa urged the participants to transfer the acquired knowledge and skills to other GUIDE staff and beneficiary organizations to achieve a grassroots-level trickledown impact. Karungi acknowledged the UN Women Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) and UN Women for financial and technical support.  

“Soon we must be able to show how this capacity strengthening links to our improved performance and achievement of concrete results for our organization”, Karungi said. She added that “there are few partners interested in institutional development funding, and that’s why I am particularly grateful to WPHF and UN Women for this exceptionally strategic type of support”.